Grandparents’ dining room. Cooking and making a cookbook. Nursery Kitasorpresa, Berlin

12 day workshop

At the nursery Kitasorpresa, as part of the project ‘Tischlein deck dich! Essen + Kunst’, commissioned by the Kinderkünstezentrum in Berlin.

My inspiration for the workshop came from my own memories of cooking with my grandmother and sitting at my grandparents’ dining table for long family meals. I wanted to do a workshop about these family bonding rituals that cooking and eating together can become. During the workshop the children embroidered a table cloth, they decorated plates and tumblers with porcelain paints and they worked with clay. They cooked together: we prepared tapas with Aurelio, cooked albóndigas with Carla’s mum and on 6th January we made a roscón de reyes! And of course we all ate together and used all the beautiful table decorations we made. We became an extended family! The children took inspiration from the ingredients for their favourite dishes to create images, leading to a beautiful cookbook

The results were exhibited in KinderKünsteZentrum from 20th February until 31st May 2015